It’s important to acknowledge that there’s no ‘one size fits all’ approach. Different areas of marketing, such as Business to Consumer (B2C), Business-to-Business (B2B), Fast Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG), Professional Services, Government and Small Medium Enterprises (SMEs), have their own specific nuances where marketing, sales and the customer experience are concerned.

The AMI’s Marketers’ Competency Framework © provide a consistent program across a wide variety of marketing and communications roles that can be tailored to specific sectors and organisations. The AMI’s Marketers’ Competency Framework© has been developed with consultation with similar existing frameworks, such as those of the UK’s Chartered Institute of Marketing, the Marketing Institute of Ireland and the European Marketing Institute, as well as face-to-face consultations with marketing and communications professionals across business, government and not-for-profit organisations, educators and HR professionals. We’re enormously grateful to everyone who contributed to this project.
The AMI Marketers’ Competency Framework © will enable you and your marketing colleagues to identify and pursue personal development goals and accelerate your career progression. All our learning and professional development programs align with the AMI Marketers’ Competency Framework©, so you can easily identify those relevant to your own personal development plan.
Nowhere else in Australia can you get access to such a comprehensive career growth resource.