Professional Advancement
AMI Accreditation, Endorsement, & Recognition Program
For Tertiary Programs
By selecting a tertiary program rigorously vetted by the Australia’s leading marketing body, you can be confident that you are participating in a quality program examined by an independent third-party, with knowledge of the needs of industry and practitioners of tomorrow.
For VET or Industry Programs
By selecting a VET program or in-house corporate program that has been AMI Endorsed, you can be confident that the curriculum and delivery has been reviewed for strong quality assurance and the relevance across industry and sectors.
For Overseas Tertiary Programs
The AMI reciprocally recognise tertiary programs that have been rigorously vetted by our sister marketing associations overseas and are comparable to our AMI Accreditation process. This allows a pathway towards CPM status for practitioners coming into Australia. Click here to see CIM approved programs.
AMI Accredited
Melbourne Institute of Technology

288 La Trobe Street, Melbourne, VIC 3000
+1800 198 123
AMI Accredited Courses:
- Bachelor of Business (Marketing) [Course code: 067439 (VIC) 072668D (NSW)]
- Bachelor of Business (Digital Marketing) [Course code: 067439 (VIC) 072668D (NSW)] At MIT, they encourage bold, independent thinking and offer the highest quality academic experience to stretch you. You’ll thrive on plenty of autonomy to direct your own learning, with our tutors on hand to challenge your ideas. The small class sizes mean you enjoy more contact time with tutors, plus support whenever you need it to get the best out of your studies. Their versatile degrees will prepare you for a wide range of careers, from marketing strategy, advertising and media planning & buying, to sales, PR, marketing research and analytics. Graduates of an AMI Accredited Tertiary University Program, AMI Endorsed VET or Industry Program, or AMI Recognised Program are on a fast track pathway to becoming a Certified Practising Marketer (CPM).
La Trobe University

Plenty Rd & Kingsbury Dr, Bundoora VIC 3086
1300 135 045
AMI Accredited Courses:
- Master of Marketing [Course code: LMMKT]
- Bachelor of Commerce (Marketing major) [Course code: LBCOM, LZCA, LZCBM, LZCCS, BZ001, LZCHS, LZCP, LZCOMS, SZCYC, LZ007]
- Bachelor of Business (Marketing) [Course code: LBB, RBB, LMBBSY, LZ006B, LBBO, BZOO30, BZ0020]
- Graduate Diploma in Marketing [Course code: BG004] At La Trobe, they offer the highest quality academic experience coupled with a strong emphasis on industry and career connections. Having co-developed a Career Ready Advantage program with distinguished employers you’ll receive expert advice so you can map your career path and develop the skills, experience and connections you need to achieve your goals. The versatile degree taught by ground breaking researchers, industry leaders and experts will provide a platform that allows professionals to thrive in their respective degrees. Graduates of an AMI Accredited Tertiary University Program, AMI Endorsed VET or Industry Program, or AMI Recognised Program are on a fast track pathway to becoming a Certified Practising Marketer (CPM).
University of Southern Queensland

West St, Darling Heights QLD 4350
+61 7 4631 5315
AMI Accredited Courses:
- Bachelor of Business & Commerce (Marketing major) [Course code: BBCM]
- At USQ, their supportive environment and student focused commitment to learning will allow you to thrive. You’ll have plenty of autonomy to direct your own learning as study options give you the flexibility to choose when, where and how to study. Being a leader in online and blended education USQ is the perfect place to develop your marketing skills both practical and theoretical. In the final year of study the marketing major provides you with the opportunity to complete professional work experience, where you’ll work with an organisation to complete a project final year, this is a core advantage in the process of employability. The Marketing major within the Bachelor of Business and Commerce is accredited by the Australian Marketing Institute (AMI) and students are eligible for credit towards becoming a Certified Practising Marketer (CPM) upon completion.
Victoria University

Ballarat Rd, Footscray VIC 3011
(03) 9919 6100
AMI Accredited Courses:
- Bachelor of Business (Marketing) [Course code: BBNS - BMAMRK]
- At Victoria university the globally recognised and multi-faceted learning approach creates an environment to inspire greatness. Work placements and programs with industry partners provide practicable skills to enhance employability and smaller classes allow for focused learning and better results. They also provide Flexible study options to cater for your individual needs. Gain a competitive edge in your studies by challenging yourself in a community that strives for academic and sporting excellence. Graduates of an AMI Accredited Tertiary University Program, AMI Endorsed VET or Industry Program, or AMI Recognised Program are on a fast track pathway to becoming a Certified Practising Marketer (CPM).
University of South Australia

101 Currie St, Adelaide SA 5001
(08) 8302 6611
AMI Accredited Courses:
- Bachelor of Business (Marketing) [Course code: DBBM, XBBM]
- Bachelor of Marketing and Communication [Course code: DBMN, XBMN]
- Expand your learning capabilities with industry informed teaching and degrees that are aligned with the latest industry trends and demands. UniSA is a young and confident university, boldly taking on the needs of a changing world. Having invested 400m into a range of buildings, libraries and sporting facilities they are committed to providing a well-rounded student experience. This includes emphasis on events, entertainment, sports, clubs, student gyms and chill spaces across all campuses, so if you are serious about your career and setting yourself apart UniSA is the university for you. Graduates of an AMI Accredited Tertiary University Program, AMI Endorsed VET or Industry Program, or AMI Recognised Program are on a fast track pathway to becoming a Certified Practising Marketer (CPM).
The University of Newcastle

University Dr, Callaghan NSW 2308
+61 2 4921 5000
AMI Accredited Courses:
- Master of Marketing
- Graduate Certificate in Marketing
- Bachelor of Business (Major in Marketing)
- The University of Newcastle stands as a global leader distinguished by a commitment to equity and excellence. Our degree programs are internationally recognised. Our research is world-class and diverse and our partnerships and collaborations drive innovation. Graduates of an AMI Accredited Tertiary University Program, AMI Endorsed VET or Industry Program, or AMI Recognised Program are on a fast track pathway to becoming a Certified Practising Marketer (CPM).
Macquarie University

Balaclava Rd, Macquarie Park NSW 2109
+61 2 9850 7111
AMI Accredited Courses:
- Bachelor of Marketing and Media [Course code: BMKTGMEDIA]
- Bachelor of Commerce (Marketing Management) [Course code: N00195]
- Bachelor of Commerce (Marketing & Consumer Insights) [Course code: N00194]
- Master of Marketing [Course Code: MMKTG]
- At Macquarie, you are equipped for a professional career in marketing management. With the acknowledgement that the consumers are the driving force behind any marketing organisation, units in the major cover gathering information on consumer needs and the the marketing environment. To satisfy those needs, you are trained to use the tools a marketer will use, the extended marketing mix. Lectures include the latest developments in marketing theory illustrated with examples of best marketing practice from Australia and major economies overseas.Graduates of an AMI Accredited Tertiary University Program, AMI Endorsed VET or Industry Program, or AMI Recognised Program are on a fast track pathway to becoming a Certified Practising Marketer (CPM).
The University of Melbourne

Parkville VIC 3010
(03) 9035 5511
AMI Accredited Courses:
- Master of Management (Marketing) [Course code: MC-MGMTMKT]
- Melbourne Business School’s Master of Management (Marketing) provides foundation training in a variety of business and management disciplines and specialist training in marketing. It enables graduates to develop, implement and control integrated marketing programs, work closely with managers in other functional areas; and pursue a career in marketing management. The course focuses on the means by which organisations attract and retain customers, and covers many aspects of marketing, including marketing strategy, customer behaviour, relationship marketing, branding and international marketing. AMI Recognised Program are on a fast track pathway to becoming a Certified Practising Marketer (CPM).
Griffith University

Parklands Dr Southport, Qld 4215
+61 7 3735 7111
AMI Accredited Courses:
- Master of Marketing [Course code: 5629/5684]
- The Master of Marketing program builds on the foundation of marketing which includes good communication and critical and analytical thinking. This is where you will learn advanced marketing principles, best practice and new approaches to build customer relationships. Your studies will enable you to think strategically about value, positioning and competitive advantage in a global context through branding and digital marketing applications. The course gives you the flexibility to keep yur options open for after the completion of your studies. You can contribute to the field by pursuing a higher degree in research and, thereby improving the way we think about marketing. Graduates of an AMI Accredited Tertiary University Program, AMI Endorsed VET or Industry Program, or AMI Recognised Program are on a fast track pathway to becoming a Certified Practising Marketer (CPM).
RMIT University

124 La Trobe St, Melbourne VIC 3000
+61 3 9925 2260
AMI Accredited Courses:
- Master of Marketing [Course code: MC197]
- Bachelor of Business (Marketing major) [Course code: BP343]
- Bachelor Business (Marketing) (Applied) [Course code: BP141]
- Bachelor Business (Marketing) [Course code: BP252]
- Graduate Certificate in Marketing [Course code: GC053]
- Bachelor of Business (Marketing major) (Professional Practice) [Course code: BP344]
- RMIT’s marketing degrees focus on developing skills, knowledge and practices that are linked to industry expectations. You will experience this first-hand in core and elective marketing courses, by examining case studies, and through opportunities to work in industry or on real industry-based projects. The three-year program combines core business studies with specialist marketing courses and the option to choose additional sequences of study, including advanced specialisations in marketing, or courses in other business or related disciplines. AMI Recognised Program are on a fast track pathway to becoming a Certified Practising Marketer (CPM).
Monash University

Wellington Rd, Clayton VIC 3800
+61 3 9905 4000
AMI Accredited Courses:
- Bachelor of Marketing [Course code: B2036]
- At Monash, every step is taken considering that the world is ever-changing and this change is what drives the marketing world. Develop a keen sense of what makes brands tick with a well balanced combination of formal and informal methods. Interact with the best of the industry and take a cue from their experiences. This course will will give you the freedom to unleash your creativity with a logical head on your shoulders. Graduates of an AMI Accredited Tertiary University Program, AMI Endorsed VET or Industry Program, or AMI Recognised Program are on a fast track pathway to becoming a Certified Practising Marketer (CPM).
Deakin University

221 Burwood Highway Burwood VIC 3125 Australia
+61 3 9244 6100
AMI Accredited Courses:
- Master of Marketing [Course code: M788]
- Bachelor of Commerce (Marketing) [Course code: M300]
- Bachelor of Marketing (Psychology) [Course code: M336]
- Be a business leader of tomorrow and study at Deakin to gain a wealth of business knowledge and skills through course material, internships and international experiences. Diversify your skills by studying the practical and theoretical frameworks that underpin great marketing in a graduate or postgraduate. Marketing course accredited by the Australian Marketing Institute. Graduates of an AMI Accredited Tertiary University Program, AMI Endorsed VET or Industry Program, or AMI Recognised Program are on a fast track pathway to becoming a Certified Practising Marketer (CPM).
Flinders University

Sturt Rd, Bedford Park South Australia 5042
+61 8 8201 3911
AMI Accredited Courses:
- Bachelor of Business (Marketing) [Course code: BBUSMK]
- At Flinders, you learn how to research, identify opportunities and communicate effectively with consumers. Build skills in new disciplines, such as social media marketing and e-business. Get real-world work experience and build networks through work placements and projects. Understand the principles of market research, target markets, pricing strategies, and the importance of advertising and promotion. Internal course accredited by the Australian Marketing Institute. Succeed in your studies with mentoring and specialised tutor programs. These will help you learn practical business skills and how to analyse data in order to develop marketing strategies across all sectors of the economy. Graduates of an AMI Accredited Tertiary University Program, AMI Endorsed VET or Industry Program, or AMI Recognised Program are on a fast track pathway to becoming a Certified Practising Marketer (CPM).
Curtin University Sydney

AMI Accredited Courses:
- Bachelor of Commerce (Marketing major) [Course code: MJRU-MRKTG]
The University of Queensland

St Lucia QLD 4072
+61 7 3365 1111
AMI Accredited Courses:
- Master of Business (Marketing) [Course code: 5250]
- Master of Business (Marketing) Advanced [Course code: 5583]
- Master of Business (Advertising) [Course code: 5250]
- Master of Business (Advertising) Advanced [Course code: 5583]
- Bachelor of Business Management (Marketing) [Course code: 2171]
- The number of marketing professionals is expected to grow strongly over the next few years, opening up to approximately 50,000 jobs. With competitive environment, you seriously need to set yourself apart from fierce competitors from top universities. Undertaking the AMI accredited university programs (AMI Accredited Tertiary University Program, AMI Endorsed VET or Industry Program, or AMI Recognised Program) will fast track your study pathway to becoming a Certified Practising Marketer (CPM).
Edith Cowan University

270 Joondalup Drive Joondalup WA 6027
+61 8 6304 0000
AMI Accredited Courses:
- Master of Marketing and Innovation Management
- Bachelor of Commerce (Marketing major) [Course code: W23]
- Bachelor of Marketing, Advertising and Public Relations [Course code: Y99]
- Edith Cowan University (ECU) provides the ideal learning environment for people who want to reach their potential. ECU courses are developed in consultation with industry, and teaching staff have extensive industry experience and networks. It’s why ECU students can expect placement opportunities, fieldwork, practicums and networking events as part of their studies. Graduates of an AMI Accredited Tertiary University Program, AMI Endorsed VET or Industry Program, or AMI Recognised Program are on a fast track pathway to becoming a Certified Practising Marketer (CPM).
The University of Adelaide

AMI Accredited Courses:
- Bachelor of Commerce (Marketing) [Course code: BCom Mkt]
Australian Catholic University

1300 275 228
AMI Accredited Courses:
- Bachelor of Commerce (Marketing)[Course code: UAC 103722]
Torrens University

1300 575 803
AMI Accredited Courses:
- Bachelor of Business (Marketing) [Course code: 090279A]
Social Media College

Level 21/60 Margaret St, Sydney NSW 2000, Australia
AMI Accredited Courses:
- Social Media Marketing Intensive program
AMI Endorsed
AMI Accredited Courses:
- Marketing Masters and Brand Academy program
AMI Accredited Courses:
- Vitality Brand Masters Program
Digital Marketing Institute

(02) 7228 2156
AMI Accredited Courses:
- DMI Pro - Certified Digital Marketing Professional
Social Media College

Level 21/60 Margaret St, Sydney NSW 2000, Australia
AMI Accredited Courses:
- Social Media Marketing Intensive program
Why choose an AMI Accredited or Endorsed course?
- Be confident you are participating in a quality program rigorously examined by an independent third-party
- Fast track your pathway to becoming a Certified Practising Marketer – the peak professional standard for practitioners in Australia.
- Take advantage of the complimentary AMI student membership*
- Request a copy of a reference letter from AMI for prospective employers
- Complimentary Graduate certificate available on request
Disclaimer: Click on a logo to see the list of accredited / endorsed programs. Only those programs listed in the above have been accredited by the Australian Marketing Institute and as such are eligible for free student membership and credits towards becoming a CPM upon completion. If there are other programs offered by the Institution but are not listed above, please do not hesitate to email the AMI accreditation@ami.org.au, to verify whether they are eligible for credit before commencing studies.

FREE Student Membership
The Institute offers FREE Student Membership to current students of the AMI Accredited and AMI Endorsed programs*.
By joining the Australian Marketing Institute as a student member, you will become a member of Australia’s only professional body for marketers which provides members with a pathway to become leaders with Certified Practising Marketer certification.
If you’re a student of one of the programs listed above, apply for your FREE AMI Student Membership online today! Please note, the offer is valid for new members only.
Students completing an AMI Recognised program from a reciprocal partner institution, please click here for membership details.

Make the right choice
Choosing the right course is one of the biggest investments you will make in your life, so it’s important to make the right decision. The AMI has thoroughly examined the criteria in determining whether to grant AMI Accreditation or Endorsement for a program. Tertiary University programs accredited by us have demonstrated that an ability to deliver to their students integrated learning skills, building relationships with industry professionals, delivering strong foundations in marketing theory, ability to apply practically the theory learnt, and ensuring that graduates possess the desired employee attributes.

Translate educational goals into
successful careers for students
The AMI’s process entails validating that standards are met and promotes high standards of marketing education, to stimulate self-analysis, and to assist the institution under review to achieve its objectives. The review is conducted in a collegiate manner that includes consultation, advice, and feedback.
For Institutions and Corporates organisations seeking more information please contact Demetri Hughes via email demetri.hughes@ami.org.au

Your successful marketing career
starts here!
Graduates of an AMI Accredited Tertiary University Program, AMI Endorsed VET or Industry Program, or AMI Recognised Overseas are on a fast track pathway to becoming a Certified Practising Marketer (CPM) sooner. Becoming a CPM is what distinguishes a marketing practitioner with experience from a person without, for this reason all graduates of a program approved by the AMI are entitled to a credit reduction in time needed to become a CPM.