How to maintain your CPM status for existing CPMs

Each Certified Practising Marketer must achieve 100 points CPD points each year.

The ways to earn points are simple: attending AMI training, publishing articles, being a Mentor in the AMI Emerging Marketers Program and Judging for the AMI Marketing Excellence Awards.

The table below lists a few of the activities.

Type of Activity CPD Points*
AMI Marketing Excellence Awards Judging 30 points
AMI Mentoring – Emerging Marketers 30 points
AMI Marketing Excellence Awards Celebration Attendance 10 points
Share Marketing experience such as blogs, presentations, case studies, podcasts, and interviews on our website with AMI 10 points
Coming Soon: Read articles on Mi3 – 10 minutes 2 points
Coming Soon: Read articles on Mi3 – Longer than 10 minutes 4 points
Points Per Hour
Attend Marketing conferences, summits, etc. 4 points per hour
Attend AMI Webinar 4 points per hour
Attend AMI Recommended Training 4 points per hour
Research, prepare material for publication in textbooks, professional journals, lectures etc. and share with AMI 4 points per hour
Non-AMI recommended training 2 points per hour
Attend AMI AGM 4 points per hour

Points earned with AMI activity will appear in your Membership details. These can then be downloaded via the Memberhub. You can also add any non-AMI CPD activities to the form once downloaded.

Steps to maintain your CPM status

Continue your professional development

Undertake activities from the CPD table during the year. AMI activity points will automatically be accrued in your Membership Account.

Submit your yearly CPD activity

60 days prior to your membership renewal, the AMI membership team will send you a reminder e-mail with a link to the points you have accrued. Please add any non-AMI activity to this sheet and email it back to Membership –


CPM Member Directory

The AMI CPM Directory presents Certified Practising Marketers and their skills to the professional community. Providing a trust mark of marketing professionalism and standards, the Certified Practising Marketer designation helps marketers in their career advancement, improving earning potential, knowledge sharing with industry peers and building professional brand and credibility.