Reflections on the year past

Andrew Thornton, Chair, AMI Board
November 2023
As we enter the home straight and round out 2023, I thought it appropriate to reflect on the year your AMI has had.
There’s no doubt that the past year has been yet another progressive period for the AMI – in this, our 90th year of supporting the careers of our members and the wider marketing profession.
We continue to be mindful of the needs of our members – increasingly, our members have told us they need their Institute to support them through the various stages of their careers. And that is what we have done.
In short, this past year we have developed an integrated professional career development program – the AMI Marketer’s Competency Framework – a major resource to support career growth of our members. A ‘one stop shop’ if you like for career support and continuous professional development -to help you stand out as a professional marketer. We are very excited by the AMI Marketer’s Competency Framework – so look out for it as it begins being rolled out early in the new year. And get involved.
Here are, in a nutshell, some of our other key achievements for the AMI this year:
- Our popular webinar series was back and once again proved popular with high participation rates.
- We refreshed our master classes and added new 3rd party training options across all levels of proficiency.
- We revamped and relaunched our member newsletter as ‘The Australian Marketer’– watch out in 2024 as we bring you the latest thinking and opinion pieces necessary to help keep you up to date with what is happening in the marketing profession.
- Our Emerging Marketers Program continued to grow in popularity. In the post Covid environment, there was increased face to face interaction between mentors and mentees. Feedback has been extremely positive and this program will continue to evolve into 2024.
- Events in each of the States were back following the hiatus caused by Covid. Our state-based networking events continue to be particularly popular.
- It was also a bumper year for annual AMI Awards for Marketing Excellences – we had a 30% increase in award entries this year which is a fabulous result. Congratulations to all finalists and category winners – an awesome effort by you all (note: the 2024 entries open in February…). Members told us they wanted more opportunities to network at the awards celebration event and for it to be more affordable. And we had a sellout crowd!
- We also refreshed and refocused our Certified Practising Marketer (CPM) program and relaunched the old PMP points as a more disciplined CPD points program coming in 2024.
- Befitting of our 90th year, we engaged with leading branding agency Hulsbosch to refresh and recharge the AMI Brand; our new brand livery was launched at the AMI Awards for Marketing Excellence Event in Sydney. You will see more of our brand evolution occur into 2024.
- Also early in 2024, you will be able to experience our brand-new website which will make dealing with us online ‘100%’ better.
As you can see by the above, a very busy and productive year – critically focusing on how we can enhance the value and relevance of our benefits to our various tiers of members.
We understand that 2023 has been a tough one for many of our members given rising interest rates and the spike in cost of living. We also know some of you have had to make decisions on how best to stretch your budget. But I do urge you to continue to invest in your career development. If you are having trouble maintaining your AMI membership, please contact our membership team who are here to help and we have payment plans available.
In closing, my thanks go to our CEO, Bronwyn Powell and her team, for an amazing effort this year. Thanks also to our hard working and committed Board and State Committees. But my biggest thanks go to our members who have supported their AMI this past year. Please stick with us – much of the hard work of 2023 will manifest itself as enhanced benefits for you and your career in 2024 and beyond.
Finally, let me take this opportunity – on behalf of the Board and Management – to wish you all a very safe and enjoyable Festive Season.