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June, 2018

Annual report: the best of B2B – What went wrong and what’s coming next?

By: admin

A recent study by Green Hat and ADMA has shown that measurement, optimisation and experience are the toughest challenges for B2B marketers. Their comprehensive surveys asked ‘best-in-class’ B2B marketers about their performance in 2017 and how their marketing processes will change going forward in the future.

The 2018 version of ADMA and Green Hat’s ‘B2B Marketing Outlook’report offers an in-depth look into the business-to-business (B2B) marketing profession in Australia. Surveying 412 respondents, it asked them about marketing performance, strategy, planning, and attitudes to new tools and techs available to them. Measuring marketing ROI was the biggest challenge for them last year, closely followed by optimising the customer experience. As for significant marketing objectives for 2018, generating, nurturing and progressing leads topped the list, followed by optimising customer experience.

Read the original The Money Issue of Marketing Magazine.